Who are we?
We are the Friends of the Williams Aquatic Center (FWAC)
The FWAC mission is to improve the quality of life for the greater Williams community through aquatic programs. We seek to ensure that there is a place for the community to learn to swim, recreate, rehabilitate, and exercise.
- Extend the pool season
- Fix the PoolPak (Pool HVAC System)
- Find the money to operate an extended swim season
- Assess the PoolPak
- Mural for the Pool Building
- Pool Pump funding
- Pool Plastering funding
- Establish an endowment to fund services
Why extend the season?
- Improve the quality of life for the residents of Williams and the surrounding communities
- Ensure that all the children of the community have a chance to learn to swim
- Rehabilitation Physical & Occupational Therapy
- Currently, if someone were to fall and hurt themselves, they would have to DRIVE to Flagstaff to do pool rehabilitation
- Prevention and exercise – Water Aerobics & Lap Swimming for Adults
- Train lifeguards
- It’s an asset and amenity of the city that can be an incentive to attract people to LIVE in Williams