The FWAC mission is to improve the quality of life for the greater Williams community through aquatic programs. We seek to ensure that there is a place for the community to learn to swim, recreate, rehabilitate, and exercise.
This video was produced to promote the pool and was released in January 2010. By the end of the month, the pool was closed. Since then, the city has been able to open the pool while the students at our schools are on summer break.
Help us in returning the Williams Aquatic Center to being open for an extended season. This pool has saved lives through physical therapy, given youth a place to utilize for keeping their mind and body fit, and helped the elderly with aerobics classes. This is a community pool, a family pool that the citizens of Williams worked hard to get! Too many small towns across the US are losing the things that make them unique. Let’s stand up for our community and save the pool!
Any help with funding or avenues to obtain funding in keeping small-town America alive through this beautiful aquatic center that all ages and families can use, is welcomed with open hearts!